Our story begins with a seventy-five-thousand-dollar bill for the purchase of a business which required an additional fifty-thousand-dollars and two years to fix what should have been a simple acquisition.
It became clear that small businesses were being hindered by incompetent professionals who cared more about billable hours than rendering professional and effective services. We found that small businesses needed an efficient and effective resource to solve business related problems so that they could be free to grow their business and thrive. And thus, Kelley Law was born.
Our Firm has developed standard processes, procedures and protocols that keep you informed of your professional license compliance, corporate compliance, and the financial health of your company on a monthly basis. Additionally, we advise you how to integrate with the ever-changing banking industry, how to apply for lines of credit, and how to grow your personal wealth through business ownership.
Quite simply, our goal is to be the Premier Law Firm that helps clients like you overcome the vast and challenging obligations facing your business today. We have solved most of the problems businesses face and will continue to develop new strategies to overcome any new challenges that arise. We fight the battles you can’t, so that you can grow and thrive and do what you do best!